How Many Hours A Day Should A Aircon Run? Your air-conditioning unit is amongst the most essential pieces of equipment in your residence. It will not be possible for you to maintain your home temperature without a properly functioning AC unit.
A lot of property owners like to make certain that their AC unit lasts for a long time. Therefore, many of them would like to know how many hours should Aircon run during the day.
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An air-conditioning system should run for approximately 20 minutes at any given time
In ideal conditions, an AC unit should operate for 15 to 20 minutes in mild temperatures at a time. Your appliance can be quite large for your residence for any less than that. We have explained this in detail below.
Many factors can impact how long the AC unit can run in Singapore including:
1. The outside temperature
In case it becomes quite hot outside, your AC unit has to run for a longer duration. It does so for reaching the desired temperature. This is particularly true when there is high humidity. You need not worry in case your air-conditioning unit operates more on sultry days.
You should not be alarmed so long as you feel comfy and cool air comes out of the vents.
2. The thermostat setting
In case you set the thermostat quite low, your AC unit has to operate longer for reaching it. Try to adjust the thermostat by a few degrees which will help to minimize the runtime of the AC unit. This will help to save your energy bills to some extent.
3. The size of the unit
Perhaps the most important aspect that will determine the runtime of the air-conditioning unit will be its size. A unit that is quite big will minimize the runtime to approximately 10 minutes or even less. We call this short-cycling. It implies that your AC unit will be able to cool your residence within a short span of time.
Short cycling will also impact the amount of humidity in your residence. A large unit will be able to make the air cool, but it will not be able to dehumidify your residence. This implies that you will be feeling quite hot as well as sticky in the long run.
A small air-conditioning unit will perform just the opposite. It will not be able to make your residence cool adequately, and therefore, it goes on running. Anything more than 20 minutes without much alteration in temperature implies that your unit is quite small.
4. The condition of the unit
It is a fact that air-conditioning systems become old similar to other things. In case you take proper care of the system, it will operate efficiently with a longer lifespan. Nevertheless, a system which is neglected will be doing just the opposite.
It will not be able to cool your residence properly, and therefore, it will run longer for reaching the desired temperature. This will be bad for your energy bills in the long run. For this reason, you should perform a yearly tune-up for keeping your system in top condition.
5. The size of your residence
In case your home is quite large, it will take a long time to become cool. This will be especially true in case the air-conditioning system is quite small. One effective way for minimizing the runtime of the unit will be to cool only those rooms which you are using.
For instance, there is no need to cool a guest room. Make it a point to close off the doors and dumpers and redirect the air into your living room.
How Many Hours A Day Should A Aircon Run? – Conclusion
Your air-conditioning system is going to run more or fewer hours depending on the system’s condition and the temperature setting. Set the temperature not more than 5 less as compared to the external temperature while leaving your residence. This will help to minimize the strain on the AC unit.