Can We Do Aircon Servicing During The Circuit Breaker in Singapore? There is no doubt that Covid-19 has changed many things dramatically. It has forced millions of people across the world and also in Singapore to stay indoors. There are some valid reasons for literally forcing indoors. It is known as lockdown in some countries whereas in Singapore it is known as the circuit breaker. We usually associate circuit breakers with power supplies. All consumer appliances that are used in homes have an in-built circuit breaker. It has the capacity to stop power supply to air conditioners, washing machines, heaters, and other such appliances should there be a risk of electric shock.
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How Does It Work In Covid-19 Situation
We are referring to something different when we talk about the circuit breakers in a Covid-19 situation. It is about stopping people from going about their normal activities. They are advised by the authorities to stay home or restrict movement as little as possible. There is a reason for this.
Many of us are aware that Covid-19 spreads when human beings are in close proximity. An infected person can pass the virus to a number of healthy persons either by coughing sneezing and other such activities. If we look at the various MTI guidelines and suggestions, they give a lot of emphasis or circuit breaking or social distancing. When we stay inside our homes and restrict movements to a large extent, it helps in controlling the spread of Covid-19 and it breaks the circuit of transmission from one person to another.
What About Aircon Servicing?
However, there are certain things that cannot be avoided or compromised during lockdowns or circuit breaker situations. For example, there are thousands of homes that have air conditioners that run for quite a long period of time. With temperatures soaring and with people being confined to their homes, they have reasons to feel frustrated when they find that their air conditioners are not working properly. So, the first thing that comes to mind is to call an aircon mechanic and set things right.
Should We Break The Circuit for Air Con Servicing?
The next obvious question that comes to our mind is whether we should break the circuit and hire the services of aircon professionals to set the machine right. It is Hobson’s choice. On the one hand, you have the searing heat in the homes and the last thing that you want is a non-functional or improperly working air conditioning machine. On the other hand, can you take the risk of going against the circuit breaker norms that have been put in place by the government? Let us try and find answers for the same.
Do Not Break The Circuit
If you go by various experts and also if you look up the website of MOM there are a few things that obviously stand out. It does not make any sense to go against the circuit breaker and call an aircon servicing professional even if it is for a short period of time. The reasons for this are not too difficult to understand.
The rules of the government are quite clear and they talk about social distancing not only in homes but also outside. Hence, it would be better to avoid hiring air-con mechanics and other such professionals. This is because hiring them will defeat the very purpose of having such lockdown and circuit breakers in the first place.
It would be better if the customers used this lockdown period to learn some basics about the air conditioner function. There are a few studies that prove that almost 50% of problems with air conditioners can be rectified within a few minutes and ensure that the unit starts working. You can hire the services of these air conditioning mechanics once the situation improves and once the circuit breaker rules are relaxed gradually.
Further, we also would like to state that though aircon servicing is not allowed during circuit breaker, customers can opt for aircon repair so that the unit is in working condition.
The Spread Becomes Quite Easy
When the circuit breaker rules and regulations laid down by the authorities are not adhered to, the situation could become quite alarming. The aircon mechanics become silent carriers of the virus and when they visit your home and address issues pertaining to your air conditioners, they could be spreading the disease quite alarmingly. Further, when they are working on your air conditioners, they have to close the doors and windows and repair the appliances. This increases the risk of infection as the virus moves around within the homes because of a lack of ventilation and exit points.
Can We Do Aircon Servicing During The Circuit Breaker in Singapore? – The Final Word
When all the above factors are taken into account, there are hardly any reasons to justify aircon servicing during circuit breaker days. The life of individuals is far more important than a few days and nights of discomfort because of improperly working air conditioners. The government and experts have shared many pieces of news explaining the significance and importance of circuit breakers, social distancing, and quarantining.
You can do your aircon repair or servicing during Phase 2 or 3 but not during the circuit breaker lockdown.